About kuleana
About kuleana
Our nonprofit specialists have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the unique challenges, regulations and opportunities within the nonprofit sector. We are familiar with Maui’s ever-evolving nonprofit landscape, the intricacies of fundraising, donor stewardship, grant writing and program management specific to nonprofits.

Ululani Shiraishi
Native Hawaiian woman of color; was a teacher, rooted in cultural lens, classroom management, facilitation, data analysis. Ulu was nurtured and deeply influenced by the ʻāina of her kupuna, Hana. While born and raised in Southern CA, most of her childhood summers were spent with her tutu.

Ululani Shiraishi
Native Hawaiian woman of color; was a teacher, rooted in cultural lens, classroom management, facilitation, data analysis. Ulu was nurtured and deeply influenced by the ʻāina of her kupuna, Hana. While born and raised in Southern CA, most of her childhood summers were spent with her tutu.