
  • Ululani Shiraishi was nurtured and deeply influenced by the ʻāina of her kupuna, Hana. While born and raised in Southern CA, most of her childhood summers were spent with her tutu, cleaning kupuna’s yards, scrubbing clothes on a washboard, drinking hot cocoa with cream crackers and butter, and exploring and discovering the moʻolelo or stories of Hana.

  • Kapua [Sanborn] Chang was born and raised on the westside of Oʻahu in Māʻili, but has lived on Maui with her husband and 3 keiki for the past 15 years. After graduating from Kamehameha Schools Kapālama, she attended UH-Mānoa to acquire a degree in Education.

  • From childhood, Maui Kuleana's Founder Jeeyun Lee was nurtured to have a strong sense of kuleana to the greater community at large, strong leadership skills and a deep and abiding belief in partnerships. It is these values that would become her model of business excellence as one of Hawai‘i’s youngest nonprofit leaders.

  • Maui has experienced the deadliest wildfire in modern U.S. history, government officials gathered to tout the progress in helping Maui rebound from the disaster that killed 100 people and destroyed more than 2,200 buildings in Lahaina.